Tuesday, April 27, 2010

setelah lama berlalu..

setelah nk masuk sebulan brlalu, bru kli neh la aq nk mnulis semula.. ingt macam senang nk mnulis blog neh tp susa upenye.. byk sgt ceritera yg blaku spnjg tempoh xmnulis neh.. mule2, aq diuji dgn khadiran enchek2 eseimen yang mmbuatkn mata aq buta untk entrtainment len, tlige aq pkak untk sesi umpatan, perot aq penuh untk mknan tmbahan, kepala aq pning untk bahan bacaan lain sprti novel..maafkn cik jannah yek..cik jannah cube untk fokus..hihi

but suddenly, da lewat2 malam 2, mak call ckp abg de mrangkap adik aq no 3,MUHAMMAD NABIL ROSLAN accident motor...gle ah..tgah2 serabut wt eseimen PKU tme 2, aq pn jd cm xkeruan..pas call ayah n mak,air mate aq pn ngade2 la nk kuar..siyes sedeyh.. da la time 2 mak ngah exam, aq kt cni, angah xblek umah lak..tensen gle mngenangkn adk2 aq yg len t dok uma tnpa sebarang jagaan...:(((..
then, time mak exm, ayh aq yg penakut darah 2 jge la abg de..n ble mak abs exam, mak la kne jge abg de sbb ayh xlarat nk dok ospital bersihkn luka abg de..lawak je la ayah aq neh...
aq plak asek nangis jla lau tepon abg de..sedeyh kot die cm 2...die cal, anto gmbo kaki die yang patah 2 pastu borak2 sal mknn hspital yg xbesh 2...
sabo ye abg de...
mne la ade ospital yang mknn die besh cm hotel..huhu...
pas dischrged, abg de dok uma 22 ari untill kaki die recover..pastu kne pki tgkat jla nk g mne2..
blek uma, selak la die wt 3g ngn aq nk tnjuk kaki die uh..
meleleh ah ag skali beb..
hati tisu sungguh!!~~~...

then, byk gak la aktvti yang ibu mrangkap mentor aq wt.. bz gak la 2 3 minggu neh.. first, seminar MUET yg dhandle oleh kami.. gle srabot ahh.. nk2 ag aq yg xbleh mnepati mase neh.. da la jge pendaftaran.. terok kne maki hamun..hahaha.. pastu weekend tuh g KEM LANCHANG lak jd fasi untk dak2 skolah SK DATO' MANAN, TANJUNG KARANG.. seronok beb!!.. byk mnde yang aq xpnah wt aq wt.. tp wktu kem neh mmg besh la.. aq brpeluang knal kwan2 sklas aq yg slame neh aq kurg knal kot... nk2 ag ktrang xduduk kt khemah tp dok kt dorm sme dak2 sk 2.. seronok gak la.. aq selaku seorang yang xsukekan kpanasan telah bertindak menghalau dak2 sk 2 yg dok kt katil atas supaye brtindak untk tdo brsame2 rakan dorg kt ktil bawah..haahaha... aq konker la stu katil neh wth a fan just on top of my head smpi ble aq nk duduk ats katil 2, aq akn trhantuk ngn kipas uh.hahaha... xpe2,jnji aq xpanas..:))))

men basikal lasak pn besh jgak..tp xchallenging sgt..yela kn,dok kt trek dak sk rendah,mne la nk besh..huahuahua.. malam kebudayaan lak happening gile.. dpt dak2 grup yg sgt happening dan ade kepala yg sgt besar kerana mempunyai idea yg melimpah2 ruah sampai da xbleh nk takung kot.. depa pye idea mmbuatkn aq jd terdiam,xtrkate n at last aq ckp gni jek.."ok,kamu buat..pas maghrib tnjuk kt cikgu dulu..cikgu tau da siap jek"..hahaha pastu aq pn msuk dorm,tdo... bse la, fasi kn..mmg la de mase untk tdo2 neh.. evil laugh~~~

now, tgah tggu sukan lak..penat jugak sukan2 neh..nk2 plak ble da tue2 neh kn..
tulang da reput2..susa la nk mlomp
at blari galak2 cm dlu..huahuahua..
lagi satu, sukan xdak laki neh bkn besh sgt pn..xmeriah beb!!..hahaha...siyesly..kuang3x..
tadi aq msuk acare pn sbb jd bidan terjun..hampeh pye nadahanis dok pkenekn aq..hampeh gile..
skang aq mnderita selesema dan khilangn suara dok sokong uma aq yg mnduduiki tmpt trakhir td 2..huhu

mate da ngntuk, line brdband cam ngade2 berkelip2, tangan da ketar2 nk mnaip n kpale cm da xdak tgkuk da la neh..
till the fingers meet the keypad again yek!!...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

especially for ibu *madam mastura binti othman*...(*_*)

dear ibu..
ibu have asked us to write our experiences learning English and here, this is part of my experiences learning English as the second language from the kindergarten until now...

actually, there were many things had happened during my kindergarten time and i really forgot about it but what i really sure is i did not using English so much..
i learned to sing ABC and some other English songs such as twinkle2 little stars,baa baa black sheep and etc...
those moments were really unforgettable as i was very happy or extremely happy as what i only did during that time only playing, singing and just a few writing..thing were different now..:(

living in Malay communities also doesn't make me change my mother's tongue even after i was in primary school..
and, i dare not to speak in English..
i have no confidence at all...
my heart is in my boots and thus, there is no words uttered by me..
but, i love English very much and I've showed my highest interest in every lesson..

during i was in standard 3, my teacher, Puan Harison binti Ahmad had introduced me and make me get involved with all sort of the English competition such as action song, public speaking, story telling and choral speaking..

i was deeply in love with English and fortune favours the brave as i always hit the jackpot in the competitions. this really makes me happy and love English even more..:))))

January 2003, I've started my first day schooling at a boarding school where there are many talented students there..this makes me become a timid girl with a long legs..hihi
i was in set 1 for English subject but since I've been in upper form, "A" is the hardest thing to be achieve. "A" was like a dying rays for me..
my passion to be an English teacher and taking TESL as my course in my degree year had brought me to seek help from my teacher and my bestfriend..
i keep my nose to the grindstone and try very hard to beat one of my "enemy" at school during those days...hihi..
it looks like that opportunity knocks but once so i really makes us of their helps and ALHAMDULILLAH, I've passed my SPM with flying colours in English and my 1119...
thanks l0tsa2 dear~~~..

until now, I'm still in a great love with English and now, i burned the midnight oil only to have a date with more English novels and movies..:)))
actually, the more we learned, the more we do not know...huhu...

at this IPG, i love to learn English as my lecturers always there for me to help me in any condition.. plus, there were many helps from other sources such as library, friends, internet and CD ROM that can help me to be a better person..insyaALLAH...

nowadays, at this brief moment, I am learning English 40% by my own and 60% with the help of my teachers and lecturers..

last word from me, thank you for all the guidance..(*_*)..